3 Week Diet Solution | Lose Weight In 3 Weeks - Program and Plan

2015-01-25 55

http://bit.ly/3weeksdietsolution - The 3 Week Diet is an extreme rapid weight loss program that can help you lose up to 23 pounds of pure body fat in just 3 weeks! Get your customized diet plan from our official website and find out which foods you should be eating if you want to burn your belly fat away fast! Created by acclaimed personal trainer and nutritionist Brian Flatt, The 3 Week Diet is 100% guaranteed to deliver results!

3 Weeks Diet Solution is based on the theory that losing weight starts with an understanding of your body’s metabolic type, calorie requirements, and specific amounts of carbs, protein, and fat in your meals.

Visit http://bit.ly/3weeksdietsolution

According to De Los Rios, everyone falls into one of three metabolic diet types – protein, carb, or mixed -- and if you eliminate the foods that don't suit your metabolic type, you will lose weight.

"Eating refined carbs will add fat to some people while having little impact on others, so if you avoid the foods according to your type, you will lose weight," De Los Rios says.

The program also makes assertions beyond weight loss and claims to control blood sugar levels, blood pressure, and cholesterol; improve other health-related conditions, improve skin, and increase energy levels. Visit http://bit.ly/3weeksdietsolution